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Lara Thomson
This year I'm joining the Sunset Starwalk for Heléna’s House!
BestLife’s Heléna’s House is a cause that’s close to my heart, a purpose-built home where kids and young adults with disabilities learn the skills and make the connections that will empower them to live their best lives.
BestLife helps children and young adults with disability create independent lives and break the devastating effects of a life of isolation. They provide a trauma free pathway to a more independent life, a life of fun, friendship and belonging.
Building Helena’s House will secure that pathway and honour our much loved Heléna McIlwain.
Thank you for helping us build Heléna’s House. Your support now will change the lives of hundreds of young people living with disability and make a difference for decades.
Every donation helps!
(Donations made through this platform are secure and will be remitted directly through to the BestLife Foundation for the sole purpose of building Heléna’s House. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and a receipt will be sent to you by email.)

BestLife Inc
BestLife provides Brisbane’s only planned and supported pathway to a more independent life for small groups of young people with disability.BestLife exists to break the devastating effects of a life of isolation experienced by young people living with disability.The BestLife team walk alongside their young clients supporting them to cultivate lifelong friendships, build confidence and self-esteem, learn life skills and have fun! Preparing them to ultimately live their most independent life – their best life.
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